Journeys with Flavor - 2022

Café Don Luis, harvested on the slopes of Yauco, is sun-dried Arabica coffee, as it was made in the 19th century. Don Luis Roig shows us how he takes care of the quality of his artisanal coffee and Chef Vivoni makes a delicious Coffee Pudding.

Recipe: Coffee Pudding In a small cast iron frying pan with a covered container inside, a bain-marie

Ingredients: Brewed black coffee Rolls Butter Egg Cream Vanilla Cinnamon Turmeric honey Cappuccino shake, whipped cream cheese with coffee and cinnamon to decorate.

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Journeys with Flavor "From Soto Farms in Guánica" We toured the Soto Farm farm in Guánica. Agronomist Moisés Soto, producer of cilantro planted in soil, not in hydroponic format, shares with Chef Vivoni an exquisite recipe for creamy rice with cilantro.

Recipe: #1

Creamy rice with cilantro Ingredients: Cooked blench rice Chorizo ​​or chistorra Coriander broth Parmesan cheese Cream Chulería in Pot Criollo

Recipe #2

Dorado fillet with Coriander crust Ingredients: Dorado fillet Panko Walnuts Cilantro Mustard Chulería en Pot Criollo Green potato puree: to accompany the fish Ingredients: Coriander butter Grind in a hand blender and add to the mashed potato.

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Journeys with Flavor "From the González Farm in Guánica" We visited the González Family Tomato Farm in Guánica. The González Family shares their fruits grown with an ecological approach, and Chef Vivoni prepares us a delicious gazpacho recipe.

Recipe: Chayote Gazpacho with Ginger Honey Ingredients: Sliced ​​Chayote Violet Onion Coriander Lemon Ginger Honey Chulería in a Spicy Pot.

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Journeys with Flavor "From the Apiarios Caraballo Farm a program dedicated to honey" In this Journey with Flavor, we get to know the Apiarios Caraballo farm and talk with the beekeeper Luis Caraballo who presents us with his hives and the final honey product "El Cafetal ". This honey has been produced since 1985 in Yauco, PR. Chef Vivoni makes several dishes for us with this delicious delicacy.

Recipe: Honey Dressing & Goat Cheese Salad with Pan-Seared Romana Head Chicharrón Ingredients: Romana Lettuce Head Olive Oil Chulería en Pot Criollo Chicharrón powder to decorate Dressing: Goat cheese Honey Olive oil Chulería en Pot Criollo Lemon.

You can purchase all Vivoni products at CHEFVIVONI.COM

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