The renowned returns Chef Ventura Vivoni in a new season of the program “Travesías con sabor”. In this, innovative and delicious recipes are presented as the renowned chef travels through various farms, historic and picturesque places in Puerto Rico, highlighting our culture and...
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The charity gala will be held virtually on Thursday, June 3 to raise funds for the scholarship program for exceptional high school and college students of Puerto Rican descent.
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Vivoni explained that the intention of the event is that consumers “can taste everything” and chefs prepare a balance in dishes, with rice, seafood, and meats taking advantage of the sunset that gives it a better environment.
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After losing 70% of the crops in his farm, Chef Vivoni is going to change the culinary concept in his Adjuntas’ restaurant.
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Ventura Vivoni, one of the top 10 “Chef Nouvel 2014” of El Vocero y De Paladar, will star in the beginning of the seventh season of the show.
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